Dear Church, From a Comforted Daughter

Dear Church,

As Saint John Paul II always said, “Be Not Afraid.” I know it can be scary to reach out to those who have mental illness because you think you need to have all the answers to their problems. The great news is that you do not need to solve their problems, you just have to be with them. 

You see struggling with mental illness is so hard. We believe so many lies such as, “You are a burden” to “No one wants you around.” All we want is a safe place to land. A safe place where we feel welcomed and not ashamed for having a mental illness. The Church supports those who have visible medical conditions which yes, is so beyond important but we who struggle with mental illness want support too! 

I have had the opportunity to carry my cross of having both severe anxiety and depression for 8 years! The journey has been long but it has been such an honor to carry this cross that way I can be there for others who are struggling. I want to share a story from one Sunday Mass my freshman year of highschool.

It was a cold February Sunday. I got to church and went to my assigned “unassigned” pew. We all have our favorite spots, am I right? As I arrived at church, I was starting to have a panic attack knowing my Great Grandmother would not be here with me much longer. The emotions were high and the prelude music was making me feel extra emotional. It happened my youth minister was sitting right in front of me this week. Before Mass started, she saw me and asked me to move up a pew to sit with her. I did not want to move and make a scene, but also knew my youth minister well enough to know she would insist. She knew exactly what I needed at that moment, I moved and was so grateful. She did not say anything and I want you to know, she did not have too! My youth minister knew the right words would not fix the emotions I was feeling but she did know I needed someone to be with me.

My beautiful and loving Church, you do not have to find the right words to support us during our times of heightened anxiety and depression. We just need someone to be with us. Someone who is willing to sit with us when our world feels like it is falling apart and pray for us when we cannot bring ourselves to pray. Be not afraid to reach out because you never know who may need someone during their time of need.

Comforted Daughter